Civil Judge
The vacancies have been arrived at as 245, by taking into account the guidelines given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Malik Mazhar Sultan vs. U.P. Public Service Commission [(2008)17 SCC 703], for the cadre of Civil Judge, in the Pay Scale of Rs. 27,700 – 770 – 33,090 – 920 – 40,450 – 1080 – 44,770 + Allowances, as admissible under the Rules.
Unless and otherwise specified, the number of vacancies notified is approximate and is liable to modification as indicated in para.11-A of ‘Instructions to Applicants’.
The Rule of reservation of appointments is applicable for this recruitment. The distribution of vacancies is put up at ANNEXURE (DV).
- First, the selection will be made for ‘92’ carried forward vacancies. [Section 27 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016].
- Secondly, the selection will be made for ‘153’ regular vacancies following the rule of reservation.
Refer to Annexure – F of this Notification regarding tentative timeline for the recruitment process.
(A) AGE LIMIT (as on 01.07.2023)
- The age concession mentioned in paragraph 5 of the Commission’s “Instructions to Applicants” will not apply to this recruitment except for Persons with Benchmark
- For Persons with Disabilities:
Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed.
(Section 64 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016 G.O.(Ms).No.194, Home (Courts-I) Department, dated 24.04.2023.
(As on 01.06.2023) The Applicants should possess the following qualification:
Applicants who have enrolled as Advocates, but do not possess three years of practice at the Bar would be eligible to appear in the recruitment for the post of Civil Judge, under the category of Fresh Law Graduates, provided they satisfy the other requisite eligibility criteria.
- The educational qualification prescribed for the post should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the following order of studies: 10th + HSC or its equivalent + Bachelor’s degree as required under Section 25 of the
Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016. Results
of the examination should have been declared on or before the date of
Notification. (Section 20(4)(iv) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
- Applicants claiming equivalence of qualification to the prescribed qualification should upload and submit evidence for equivalence of qualification, in the form of Government Order issued on or before the date of this Notification, andsubmit it along with the online application, failing which, their application will be summarily rejected after due process. The Government Orders regarding equivalence of qualification issued after the date of this Notification will not be accepted.
(For further details regarding equivalence of qualification, refer note under para.9 of the “Instructions to Applicants”).
- In case of candidate applying under the category of Practising Advocate, he / she must be practising as an Advocate in Courts of Civil and/ or Criminal Jurisdiction on the date of Notification and must continue to be a Practising Advocate till the date of selection and appointment. Similarly, in case of candidate applying under the category of Assistant Public Prosecutor, he/she must be a Practicing Advocate/ working as Assistant Public Prosecutor till the date of selection and appointment.
- Candidates, who have passed the Degree in Law from the academic year 2009-2010 (i.e., from 01.07.2010), and thereafter, must have also passed the All India Bar Examination, conducted by the Bar Council of India, in order to be considered as eligible for being termed as a Practising However, the said condition is not applicable to the candidates applying under the category of ‘Fresh Law Graduates’..
- Must be a citizen of India;
- Should possess adequate knowledge to read, write and speak in English and
Applicants who do not possess adequate knowledge in Tamil may also apply. If selected, they should pass the Second Class Language Test in Tamil within the period of probation.
- The character of a candidate must be such as to make him/her suitable in all respects for appointment to the Service. He/She must produce a certificate of character and conduct given after the date of notification from three responsible persons not related to the applicant in the format prescribed in Annexure-A. Out of the three persons certifying, one must be a Senior Advocate or Senior Counsel or a Advocate who has a standing of not less than ten years at the Bar and the other two shall be responsible persons, not being relatives of the applicants, but who are well acquainted with the applicant in his/her personal life.
The persons certifying need not be Gazetted Officers or Government Servants or Judicial Officers.
- No person shall be appointed as a member of the Service unless he/she is in good mental and physical health and free from any disability, except a person who is claiming reservation under Rule 10 of the Rules. Before appointment, candidates with disability shall be required to appear before a Medical Board constituted for assessment which will examine them and certify that they are fit for appointment to the service and their disability will not affect the effective performance of duty as a member of the service.
iii. Must satisfy other conditions prescribed for appointment to the post of Civil Judge.
No person shall be qualified for appointment to the Service or being in Service:-
- Who has entered into, or contracted marriage or living in relationship with a person having a spouse living, or who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage or living in relationship with any person; or
- Who has been dismissed or removed or had stigmatic termination from the services by Central Government or by State Government or High Court or Statutory or Local authority or from any employment, or
Who, after being selected as a Assistant Public Prosecutor/Judicial Officer/ Government Servant, has been discharged / removed from service or convicted/ acquitted/ discharged of any offence, or
Who is or has been temporarily or permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission or any other Recruitment Agency, Board or Commission, from appearing for examinations/interview or selections conducted by it, or
Who has been removed or suspended from its roll by any Bar Council, or
Against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated or penalty or punishment has been imposed or contemplated by the Bar Council or any
Disciplinary Authority or Court, which in the opinion of the
Hon’ble High Court, renders him/her unsuitable for appointment in Judicial Service, or
Who, being Assistant Public Prosecutor / Government Pleader/Judicial Officer has been placed under suspension or against whom disciplinary proceedings have been initiated/ contemplated or pending either under Rule 17(a) or 17(b) of Tamil Nadu Civil Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1973 or any other Rules.
- Who, being an Advocate, was found guilty of professional misconduct by the B ar Co unc i l under the provisions of Advocates Act, 1961 (Central Act 25 of 1961) or orders of the Court or Judicial forum.
- Who does not fulfil the conditions prescribed in the “Rules” orWho influences or attempts to influence, or obtains or attempts to obtain any favour in any form at any stage of selection process; or
Who allows impersonation for him/her and does impersonation for a candidate; or Who makes or submits any forged documents in support of his or her candidature; or Who conceals any material information or provides any false information or makes any false/ wrong claim at any stage of selection process, or Who uses or attempts to use, improper or illegal means, either for purpose of being permitted to appear in examination or at any stage of examination in examination room/hall, or Who, during written examination harasses or threatens or uses un-parliamentary words or causes physical injury to or misbehaves with, any Officer or employee engaged for conducting the examination; or Who, disobeys any directions relating to examination including oral directions by the invigilator or observer or any other officer or employee engaged for conducting examination, or
Who attempts to enlist support or canvasses in any form for his/her candidature or selection/appointment, through persons of influence or officers of Government/High Court.
(a) In the case of Practising Advocates, besides the Degree Certificate, Enrolment Certificate issued by the Bar Council and a Self Declaration that he/she has enrolled in the Bar Council and continues to be a practising advocate for three years or more (he/she has to attach the details of cases, conducted by him/her preferably for the last three years to fortify his/her claim of having been in active practice) have to be uploaded along with the online application in the format prescribed in Annexure-D. |
(b) In case of candidates coming under the category of “Assistant Public Prosecutor or a Government Pleader”, besides the appointment order as Assistant Public Prosecutor or Government Pleader, No Objection/ Service certificate from the Head of Department specifying the length of qualifying service of the candidates in the Format prescribed in Annexure-B.
Fresh Law graduates need not submit the Self Declaration prescribed in Annexure – D |
Applicants selected for appointment to the post will be required to produce a certificate of Physical Fitness in the Form prescribed below:
Applicants with defective vision should produce Eye Fitness Certificate from a qualified Eye Specialist, before appointment
- Linking Aadhaar number with One Time Registration (OTR) is mandatory for applicants. [ For further details refer para 2B of ‘Instructions to Applicants’.]
- One Time Registration is valid for five years from the date of registration. After completion of five years, the applicant must renew the One Time Registration by paying the fee prescribed. The One Time Registration is different from the application for the examination. An applicant should make an online application separately for each and every examination for which he/she intends to appear.[Para 2C of ‘Instructions to Applicants’.]
- The total number of free chances availed, will be calculated on the basis of claims made in previous applications.
- The number of free chances availed by the applicant may be verified by the Commission at any stage of the selection process.
- In case an applicant who makes a false claim for exemption from payment of application fee by suppressing information regarding his previous application(s) his candidature shall be rejected and he shall be debarred for a period of one year from appearing for examinations and selections conducted by the Commission.
- Applicants are directed to carefully choose the options „Yes‟ or „No‟ regarding availing the fee concession. The choice made, cannot be modified or edited after successful submission of online application.
- Applicants are advised in their own interest, to keep an account of the number of times fee concession has been availed, irrespective of the information displayed in the <Application History> of the applicant dashboard.
- An application (irrespective of the post applied for) claiming fee concession will operate to exclude one chance from the number of free chances allowed.
- Applicants who have availed the maximum number of free chances permitted / applicants who do not wish to avail of the fee concession / applicants who are not eligible for fee concession, shall choose the option „No‟ against the query regarding fee concession. Such applicants shall thereafter pay the requisite fee through the prescribed mode of payment.
- Failure to pay the prescribed fee along with the online application, will result in the rejection of application. (For further details regarding examination fee concession refer to Para 6 of „Instructions to Applicants‟)
- Preliminary Examination fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred only), is payable online through Net Banking / Credit card / Debit card on or before the last date of submission of online application by choosing the option in the online application.
- Applicants have also to pay the service charges as applicable.
- Applicants can avail exemption from paying examination fee as per eligibility criteria.
- Offline mode of payment in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order etc. will not be accepted and the applications forwarded with such modes of payment will be summarily rejected.
- Those who have registered in the One-Time Registration system and paid the registration fee of Rs.150/- and received the registration ID need not pay the Registration fee i.e., Rs.150/- and it is enough to pay the examination fee alone.
- Applicants who have made One-Time Registration must pay the prescribed examination fee for this recruitment unless fee exemption is claimed (One–Time Registration is only to avail exemption for Registration fee for a period of 5 years from the date of registration and it will not be considered as prescribed examination fee for this recruitment).
(For further details regarding the Examination fee, refer para. 2(V) of “Instructions to Applicants”).
- Concessions in the matter of examination fees allowed to SCs, SC(A)s, STs,
MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs, Destitute Widows, Persons with Benchmark
Disability and Ex-servicemen are given in para 6 of the ‘Instructions to Applicants’.
- Persons claiming concessions referred to above and other claims made in the application have to upload evidence along with online application for such claims, otherwise their application will be rejected after due process.
Note: In all cases, an Ex-serviceman once recruited to a post in any class or service or category, cannot claim the concession of being called an ex-serviceman for his further recruitment. (Section 3(j) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
The selection process comprises three successive stages, viz., (A) Preliminary Examination for selection of applicants for admission to the Main Examination, (B) Main Examination; and (C) Viva–Voce Test.
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
The Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Constitution of India
The Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960 and Tamil Nadu Regulation of Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Act, 2017 (Tamil Nadu Act 42 of 2017)
The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
The Indian Penal Code, 1860
The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Acts
The Criminal Minor Acts (including Information Technology Act, 2000; The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012).
General Knowledge (Degree standard),
Test of Reasoning and Mental ability (S.S.L.C. standard).
Minor Acts mentioned in the syllabus are only illustrative and not exhaustive.
- Translation Paper: Translation of passages from English to Tamil and from Tamil to English. The passages will be from Pleadings, Depositions, Orders, Judgments and Documents.
- Law Paper – I: The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973; The Indian Evidence Act, 1872; Principles of Pleading and the Constitution of India (as Amended).
- Law Paper – II: Framing of Issues and Writing of Judgments in Civil Cases.
- Law Paper –III: Framing of charges and Writing of Judgments in Criminal Cases.
- The question papers on Law Papers I, II and III will be set both in Tamil and English. Except the Translation paper all other papers shall be answered by the candidates either in English or Tamil, but not partly in Tamil or in any other language. Answer sheets written partly in English and partly in Tamil or any other language will not be evaluated but will be invalidated.
- The candidate should appear for all the four papers in the Main Examination for his answer sheets to be evaluated and in case the candidate absents himself for one or more papers, the papers attended will not be evaluated.
- The candidate who has secured less than the minimum marks prescribed for each paper in the Main Examination shall not be eligible for Viva Voce Test.
- The candidate shall strictly adhere to the instructions given while appearing for the Preliminary and Main Examination conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission. In case of any deviation, the answer sheets of the candidates concerned will be invalidated.
- It is made clear to the candidates that quoting the principle laid down or reiterated in any citation would be enough and details of citation shall not carry any extra weightage. Further quoting of wrong citation may be detrimental to candidates.
- Any representation by the candidate, for changing the dates of examination/selection process, change of examination centre, for relaxation of conditions mentioned in the advertisement or examination related directions or guidelines or minimum marks or qualifications/requirements etc.
or for revaluation/ re-totalling, shall not be entertained.
- All the directions/instructions/guidelines and formats issued regarding examination shall be treated as part of the advertisement.
- Candidates for Viva-Voce test will be shortlisted from the successful candidates in the Main Examination in the ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 with reference to the number of vacancies as specified in “Instructions to Applicants” under the heading “Selection Procedure” .
Viva-voce test shall be for sixty (60) marks and candidates of all categories shall obtain minimum 18 marks for a pass in the Viva-voce
- The object of viva-voce test is to assess the suitability of the candidate for the cadre by judging the mental alertness, general knowledge, knowledge of law, grasp of procedural laws and principles of law, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment, skills, attitude, ethics, power of assimilation, power of communication, character, suitability and intellectual depth, the like of the candidate, his/her tact and ability to handle various situations in the Court, Administrative and Management Skills.
- Candidates of all categories who have obtained the minimum pass mark 18 in the viva-voce test alone are eligible for being considered for the selection.
- The marks secured by a candidate in the Viva Voce Test shall be added to the total marks secured by him/her in the Main Examination.
- Since ‘Character’ and ‘Suitability’ of a Candidate are of utmost importance for
- being considered, for appointment to the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service as Civil Judge, the character and suitability of the candidate would be enquired into and verified by the Competent Authority.
Selection of candidates shall be made on the basis of Total Marks obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination and Viva-Voce Test.
In the case of candidates who are convicted, acquitted, discharged, proceedings against whom are quashed, further proceedings closed under section 258 Cr.P.C., investigation stopped under section 167 (5) Cr.P.C., proceedings closed under section 468 Cr.P.C., their suitability is subject to the final approval of the High Court before their appointment.
Every person appointed to the category of Civil Judge by direct recruitment shall undergo training for a minimum period of twelve months as may be prescribed by the High Court of Madras.
Every person appointed to the category of Civil Judge by direct recruitment shall, within the period of probation, pass the Account Test for Executive officers.
Main Examination and Viva-Voce will be held at Chennai only. Note:
- Applicants should choose any two of the above centres for writing the Preliminary Examination. Applicants will be allotted a venue in one of those two centres. However, applicants with benchmark disability (differently –abled applicants), shall be permitted to choose only one district centre. (for further details refer para 2(R) of Instructions to Applicants)
- Request for change of examination centre will not be permitted (For further details refer Para 17(A)(ii) of “Instructions to Applicants”)
- The Commission reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of examination centres and to re-allot the applicants accordingly.
- Applicants should appear for the written examinations / certificate verification / Viva Voce test at their own expenses.
- The question paper will be set in both English and Tamil.
- Refer to para. 17 of “Instructions to Applicants” with regard to Instructions to be followed while appearing for competitive Examinations conducted by the Commission.
- Candidates who have not appeared for any of the papers in the main written examination and oral test will not be considered for final selection.
(For further details refer to para. 18 (b)(vii) (a) of the “Instructions to
4. The syllabus for the written examination (preliminary and main) is available in the Annexure (III and IV) to this notification.
Candidates who are in the service of the Indian Union or a State in India or in the employment of Local Bodies or Universities or Quasi Government Organizations or Public Sector Units constituted under the authority of the Government of India or of a State in India, whether in regular service or in temporary service must inform the Commission of such fact, at the time of applying. Suppression of the fact of employment by candidates shall result in rejection of candidature after due process. Candidates should produce No Objection Certificate when called for [For further details refer para. 14 (P) of “Instructions to Applicants’]
- Candidates who have declared pending criminal or disciplinary cases in their online application, must upload the copy of First Information Report (FIR) or memorandum of charges / show cause notice, as the case may be. Failure to upload such papers along with online application, shall result in rejection of candidature after due process.
- Candidates who have declared conviction in criminal cases or punishment in disciplinary cases, in their online application, must upload the relevant court orders and/or release orders or memorandum of proceedings, as the case may be, along with online application. Failure to upload such papers, shall result in rejection of candidature after due process.
- In case of any criminal case is filed / disciplinary action is taken against or conviction / punishment is imposed on a candidate after submission of the on-line application at any stage of the recruitment process before the completion of entire selection process, such candidates should report this fact to the Commission in the next immediate stage. Failure to comply with these instructions shall result in rejection of candidature after due process and debarment for a period of one year.
[Para. 14 (S) & 2W of “Instructions to Applicants’]
Any violation of instruction therein will result in rejection of application and forfeiture of his/her candidature after due process
(A) The Rule of reservation is applicable for this recruitment. The benefit of reservation is admissible only to bonafide domiciles/residents of the State of Tamil Nadu.
(B) Person Studied in Tamil Medium
- As per Section 2(d) of the Tamil Nadu Appointment on preferential basis in the services under the State of Persons Studied in Tamil Medium Act, 2010, as amended by Act 35 of 2020, Person studied in Tamil medium means a person who has studied through Tamil medium of instruction upto the educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment in the rules or regulations or orders applicable to any appointment in the services under the State.
- Candidates claiming to be Persons studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) must upload evidence for the same in the form of SSLC, HSC, Transfer Certificate, Provisional Certificate , Convocation Certificate, Degree Certificate, PG Degree Certificate, Mark Sheets, Certificate from the Board or University or from the Institution, as the case may be, with a recording that he/she had studied the entire duration of the respective course(s) through Tamil Medium of instruction at the time of submission of online application.
- Candidates must upload documents as evidence of having studied in the Tamil medium, all educational qualification upto the educational qualification prescribed at the time of submission of online application.
If the prescribed educational qualification is Degree, then the candidate should have studied from the First standard to SSLC, Higher Secondary Course and Degree through Tamil Medium of instruction.
- If no such document as evidence for ‘PSTM’ is available, a certificate from the
Principal / Head Master / District Educational Officer / Chief Educational Officer / District Adi Dravidar Welfare Officer / Registrar / Controller of Examinations / Head / Director of the Educational Institution, Director / Joint Director of Technical Education / Registrar of Universities as the case may be, in the prescribed format must be uploaded at the time of submission of online application, for each and every educational qualification up to the educational qualification prescribed.
- Failure to upload such documents at the time of submission of online application as evidence for ‘Persons Studied in Tamil Medium’ for all educational qualification up to the educational qualification prescribed, shall result in treating the candidate as Non ‘Persons Studied in Tamil Medium’, candidate, if otherwise eligible.
- Documents uploaded at the time of submission of online application as proof of having studied in Tamil medium, for the partial duration of any course / private appearance at any examination, shall not be accepted and shall result in treating the candidate as ‘Non PSTM candidate if otherwise eligible..
(For further details refer to para. 14 (R) & 2W of the “Instructions to Applicants”)
- As per Sections 26 and 27(c) of Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of
Service) Act, 2016, reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and “ExServicemen” will not apply to this recruitment.
- The post of Civil Judge has been identified as suitable for LV,HH,LD
(OA,OL,BL) LC,DF,AC,CP, MuD, LD (others) (without the assistance of the scribe) categories of Differently Abled Persons as per G.O.(Ms.)No. 9, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons(DAP 3.2) Department, dated 23.03.2023. [LVLow Vision, HH-Hard of Hearing, OA-One Arm, OL-One Leg, BL-Both Legs, LC-Leprosy cured, DF-Dwarfism, AC-Acid Attack Victims, CP- Cerebral Palsy, MuD- Muscular Dystrophy
LD(others) – Scoliosis and / or Kyphoscoliosis, Kyphosis, Spinal Cord Injuries and Spine Kyphoscoliosis, in addition to this type of Locomotor Disabilities notified by the Government of India in Gazette part II 3(ii) dated
05.01.2018, Ministry of Social Justice Notification, dated 04.01.2018 Sl.No.76(E) Annexure II]
- The candidates claiming reservation under the Differently Abled Category in terms of Rule of Reservation provided in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service (Cadre and Recruitment) Rules, 2007, shall produce a certificate of physical fitness from the Medical Board to the effect that his/her disability will not affect the effective functioning of the duties of the post of Civil Judge and also satisfy the High Court that his/her disability will not affect the effective functioning of the duties of the post of Civil Judge.
- All the candidates with disability may be allowed compensatory time of minimum of one hour for examination of 3 hours duration. Orders issued in G.O.(Ms) No.08, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP-
3.2) Department, dated 21.09.2021.
- If no qualified and suitable women applicants are available for selection against the vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies will be filled by male applicants belonging to the respective communal categories. (Section 26(5) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
- Wherever vacancies are reserved for Arunthathiyars on preferential basis, even after filling the vacancies reserved for SC (Arunthathiyars) on preferential basis, if more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available, they shall be entitled to compete with the Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars in the inter-se-merit among them and if any posts reserved for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified applicants, it shall be filled by Scheduled Castes other than Arunthathiyars. (Section 27 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016).
Evidence for all the claims made in the online application should be uploaded at the time of submission of online application. Any subsequent claim made after submission of online application will not be entertained. Failure to upload the documents at the time of submission of online application will entail rejection of application after due process.
- Suppression of following material information in the online application regarding (i) free chances availed (ii) Employment in the Service of the Indian Union or a State in India or in the employment of Local Bodies or University or Quasi Government Organization or Public Sector units constituted under the authority of the Government of India or of a State in India in regular service or temporary service (iii) Wilful suppression of criminal cases / disciplinary action pending / punishments if any, against the applicant (iv) violation of undertaking given by the applicant in the online application etc,. may invite suitable penal action including debarment for a specific period as decided by the Commission for various recruitments/ selections conducted by the Commission, besides rejection of application after due process.
- The candidate shall furnish correct and true information regarding arrest, convictions, criminal or any disciplinary proceedings initiated / pending or finalised, debarment / disqualification by any recruiting agency, if any, should also be furnished to the Commission at the time of submission of online application. The details thereof, i.e. originals of the judgement / order / G.O. dropping further action in the departmental proceedings or any document that may prove the suitability of such applicants for appointment in such cases must be produced at the stage / time of certificate verification/ oral test as the case may be without fail. All such events that occur after the submission of application and till the date of his / her selection and appointment shall be reported to the Commission forthwith. Failure to report on the part of the applicant will be considered as suppression of material information and will entail suitable penal action as decided by the Commission.
- (i) Incomplete applications or applications containing incorrect particulars relating to eligibility / age /gender / educational qualification / medium of instruction / physical qualification / other basic qualifications and other basic eligibility criteria will be summarily rejected after due process.
(ii) Incomplete applications or applications containing incorrect particulars relating to the category of reservation / communal category will not entitle to such candidates to claim such benefit.
(iii)In case of wrong claims made with malafide intent with regard to eligibility/ age / gender / educational qualification / medium of instruction / Physical qualification / other basic qualifications and other basic eligibility criteria will be summarily rejected after due process.
Note: If a candidate fails to upload the required documents within 72 hours of intimation to produce the same, he / she shall not be entitled for any further extension of time to produce the same and his / her claim based on such document shall not be entertained.
- One Time Registration is not an application for any post / recruitment. Though the details/particulars have already been furnished by the applicants under One Time Registration system, the claims made in the online application for this recruitment alone will be taken into consideration. The Commission will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the application for this recruitment.
(A) Determination of Community for Transgender:
- The Transgender candidates, who do not possess any community certificate may choose to be considered under Most Backward Classes as per G.O.(Ms) No.28, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, dated 06.04.2015 or under ‘others’.
- The Transgender candidates who belong to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar)/ Scheduled Tribe communities and possess community certificate as such, shall be considered as per their respective community.
- The Transgender candidates who belong to the communities other than Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyar) / Scheduled Tribe and possess community certificate as such are permitted to choose to be considered as belonging to their own community or as Most Backward Classes whichever is advantageous to them, at the time of One Time Registration itself. Once the individual opts to be considered as a particular community, it shall be crystallized and this option shall not be changed in future. [Refer
G.O.Ms.No.90, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme [SW8(2)] Department, dated 22.12.2017 and Para. 14 (F) (vi – xi) of “Instructions to Applicants’]
(B) Reservation in Employment for Transgender:-
- The Transgender candidates who identify themselves as ‘Female’ shall be considered against both 30% reservation for women as well as 70% reservation for the General category (both Men & Women)
The Transgender candidates, who identify themselves as ‘Male’ or ‘Transgender’, shall be considered against the 70 % reservation for General category (both Men & Women). The above concessions shall be granted subject to production of certificate identifying them as Transgender or Transgender (Male) or Transgender (Female), as the case may be, issued by the Tamil Nadu Transgender Welfare Board (TNTGWB
- Applicants should ensure their eligibility for the examination. Before applying for / appearing for the examination, the applicants should ensure their eligibility for such examination and that they fulfil all the conditions in regard to age, educational qualifications, number of chances for fee concession, etc., as prescribed by the Commission’s notification. Their admission to all stages of the examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the eligibility conditions. Mere admission to the written examination / certificate verification / oral test / counselling or inclusion of name in the selection list will not confer on the candidates any right to appointment. The candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Commission reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage after due process, even after selection has been made, if a wrong claim or violation of rules or instructions is confirmed.
[Refer Para. 11 (B) (C) and (D) of “Instructions to Applicants’]
- The decision of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission in consultation with the High Court of Madras as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Preliminary Examination, Main Examination or Viva Voce Test shall be final. Only candidates, to whom Hall Tickets have been issued by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, shall be admitted to Examination (Preliminary and Main) and Viva-voce.
- The memorandum of admission (hall ticket) for eligible applicants will be made available in the Commission’s website / for downloading by applicants. The memorandum of admission will not be sent by post. The applicants must comply with each and every instruction given in the memorandum of admission.
[Refer in Note (g) under Para 2(V) of “Instructions to applicants”]
- Applicants requiring clarification, can contact the office of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission in person or over the Toll-Free No.1800 419 0958 on all working days between 10.00 am and 5.45 pm. Queries relating to One Time Registration/ online application may be sent to Other queries may be sent to [Refer in Note (h),(i),(j) under Para 2(V) of
“Instructions to applicants”]
- COMMUNICATION TO APPLICANTS: Individual communication regarding the date and time of certificate verification, Viva Voce will not be sent to the applicants by post. The details will be made available on the Commission’s website. Applicants will be informed of the above fact only through SMS and e-mail and they should watch the Commission’s website in this regard. Commission is not responsible for non-delivery of SMS/e-mail due to any reasons.
- During the process of recruitment, from Notification till completion of selection process, no information under Right to Information Act, CM cell petitions, GRC would be furnished.
g) If any dispute or question arises relating to disqualification / suitability of the Candidates or interpretations of the Rules, the decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras shall be final. |
- Except the permitted writing material (Black ball point pen), applicants are not allowed to bring cellular phones, electronic or any other type of calculators, watches and rings with inbuilt memory notes, pencil box, pouch, recording devices either as a separate piece or part of something used by the applicant such as watch or ring etc or any other electronic devices and non – electronic devices such as P&G design data book, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, stencils of maps, slide rules books, notes, loose sheets, rough sheets, hand bags etc., into the examination hall / room.
- If they are found to be in possession of any such things or instruments, they will not be allowed to write the examination further, besides invalidation of answer paper and / or debarment. If it is considered necessary, they will be subjected to thorough physical search including frisking on the spot.
- Applicants are advised, in their own interest, not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safekeeping of the same cannot be assured. (For further details refer Para 17-E to “Instructions to Applicants”).
- Applicants applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by the Commission, Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and viva voce test, will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification at any time before or after the written examination /certificate verification / Viva Voce test , it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the recruitment will be summarily rejected after due process by the Commission.
- If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, it will lead to rejection of their candidature after due process and suitable penal action including debarment.
- UNFAIR MEANS STRICTLY PROHIBITED: No applicant shall copy from the papers of any other applicant or permit his / her papers to be copied or give or attempt to give or obtain or attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description.
- CONDUCT IN THE EXAMINATION HALL: No applicant should misbehave in any manner or create a disorderly scene in the examination hall or harass the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of the examination. Any such misconduct will be viewed seriously and penalised. (Refer Para 17 of Instructions to Applicants)
- For violation of “Instructions to Applicants” in any manner, suitable penalty will be imposed as per Para 17–E to “Instructions to Applicants” or as deemed fit by the Commission.
- Tentative answer keys will be hosted in the Commission’s website within 6 working days from the date of conduct of Preliminary Examination (objective type). Candidates can challenge the tentative answer keys of the Preliminary Examination (objective type) through the ‘Answer Key Challenge’ window available in the Commission’s website [Results → Answer Keys].
Representations, if any, challenging the tentative answer keys shall be submitted only through online mode within seven days from the date of publication of tentative answer keys. Representations received by post or e-mail will receive no attention.
Detailed instructions, procedures to challenge the tentative answer keys have been made available in the Commission’s website. Representations made online / offline after the closure of the window will also receive no attention.
The challenges submitted on time, through the online mode, shall be referred to a committee comprising of experts in each subject. The decision on the final answer key shall be made, based on the recommendations of the expert committee and paper evaluation shall commence thereafter.
The Commission shall not publish the final answer key until the completion of the entire selection process.
Requests from candidates for furnishing of their marks or answer paper copy before the completion of the entire selection process, will not be entertained by the Commission.
After conclusion of the entire selection process, complete particulars of all candidates who had applied for recruitment to the post shall be made available on the Commission’s website.
[Refer Para 17(D) (iv) to (xii) of “Instructions to Applicants”]
- Applicants should apply only through online mode in the Commission’s websites or
- “One Time Registration” by linking Aadhaar is mandatory before applying for any post. Applicant should register only once in the One Time Registration by paying Rs.150/- as registration fee. Successfully registered One Time Registration is valid for five years from the date of registration. All the applications should be submitted using the One Time Registration ID and password registered by the applicant.
- To apply under One Time Registration system, applicants should have a scanned image of their photograph, certificates specified, if any, and signature in CD/DVD/Pen Drive to upload the same, as per the specifications given in the guidelines for scanning and uploading of photograph and signature.
[Refer Para 2 of “Instructions to Applicants”]
- No applicant is permitted to create more than one registration ID under One Time Registration system.
- Applicants should enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them. They shall not share the ID/PASSWORD with any other person or agency.
- One Time Registration is not an application for any post. It is just a collection of information from the applicants and provides a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate maintenance of their own profile. Applicants who wish to apply for this recruitment shall click “Apply” against the recruitment notified in the Commission’s website using the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION.
- Applicants should select the name of the post for which the applicant wishes to apply.
- Online applications uploaded without the photograph, signature and the documents specified in Annexure E will be rejected after due process.
- All the particulars mentioned in the online application will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the last date for submission of the online application. Once an application is submitted, further request for change of details will be entertained upto the last date of online application. Similarly, the applicants shall be permitted to edit the details in the online application till the last date stipulated for submission of online application. Hence, the applicants are instructed to fill the online application with utmost care and caution.
For further details refer para 2 of “Instructions to Applicants”
- After submitting the application, applicants can save / print their application in PDF format.
- On entering user ID and password, applicants can download their application and print, if required.
- Applicants need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the Commission.
For further details refer para 2 of “Instructions to Applicants”
In respect of recruitment to this post, the applicants shall mandatorily upload the certificates / documents (in support of all the claims made / details furnished in the online application) at the time of submission of online application itself. It shall be ensured that the online application shall not be submitted by the applicants without mandatorily uploading the required certificates.
The applicants shall have the option of verifying the uploaded certificates through their OTR. If any of the credentials have wrongly been uploaded or not uploaded or if any modifications are to be done in the uploading of documents, the applicants shall be permitted to upload / re-upload the documents till two days prior to the date of hosting of hall tickets for this post (i.e. twelve days prior to the date of examination)
Refer Annexure E for the list of documents to be uploaded by the Applicants”. For further details refer para 2W of “Instructions to Applicants”
Intimation to the Candidates: Individual Communication regarding the Date and Time of Certificate Verification (CV) and Viva Voce Test will not be sent to the applicants by Post, the details will be made available in the Commission’s website. However, the Commission provides an additional facility to the candidates by informing the above said date and time of Certificate Verification and Viva Voce Test etc., via SMS and e-mail through their registered Mobile Number and email ID. Candidates are directed to watch the Commission’s website periodically for all updates and intimations. Commission is not responsible for failure / delay in delivery of SMS / email to the candidates due to any reason including technical issues. Any representation from the candidates for non-receipt of SMS or e-mail will receive no attention.
- No candidate is permitted to peruse/obtain copies of the answer sheets (Preliminary and Main Examination) till finalization of the recruitment process.
- Information can be sought with regard to details of marks awarded to the Candidates in each and every stage, only after the finalization of the recruitment process. Tentative Answers key for the Preliminary Exam will be published in the Commission’s website after completion of the Preliminary Examination. However, no key answers for the Main Examination will be published or provided to the candidates.
- Request for re-evaluation and re-totalling of marks in the answer sheets of the Preliminary Examination and Main Examination will not be entertained.
- If any dispute or question arises relating to disqualification/suitability of the Candidates or interpretations of the Rules, the decision of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras shall be final.
Online application can be edited / submitted upto 30.06.2023 till 11.59 p.m., after which the link will be disabled. Online application correction window period is from 05.07.2023 12.01 A.M. to 07.07.2023 11.59 P.M. The applicants are permitted to upload/ re-upload the documents upto 24.07.2023 till 11.59 P.M, after which the link will be disabled.
(For detailed information, applicants may refer to the “Instructions to Applicants” at the Commission’s website